My Career Portfolio
My Career Portfolio is an online platform for government school students in Years 7 to 12 to develop and store their Career Action Plan, and other files (certificates of achievement, Morrisby online report, resumes, awards, and examples of their school work - videos, and artworks, work experience feedback) related to their course and career planning throughout their secondary schooling. My Career Portfolio can also be used by students to access links to current information and resources to support course and career exploration.
To access My Career Portfolio:
Retrieve your Edupass login details via
key in your student code (e.g. ZUJ0009) and you will receive an email on your school email address with your Edupass username and password. To access your school email, go to the Brentwood Website and click on "Office 365". Then click on Outlook.
Visit My Career Portfolio, enter your Edupass login details
Watch this video to learn how to
Create your Career Action Plan using My Career Portfolio
Storing files and links in My Career Portfolio