Subjects Selection - Years 9 and 10

Students in Years 9 and 10 are able to select a multitude of subjects for their studies.

Year 8s entering into Year 9

Students will have choices in electives, however, they must have English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Health & PE as part of their compulsory subjects.

Students may be offered a place in Accelerated Mathematics in year 9. This enables students to study Mathematical Methods in year 10.

The list of elective subjects includes areas in:

Students must also select one of the following Arts and Technologies subjects as part of their selection:

Year 9s entering into Year 10

Students must select one from each of the following compulsory areas:

Eligible students may be approved to study an Advanced Placement (VCE or VET) subject in year 10. For more information please see Year 9 Advanced Placements. 

For more information, please use the following to help your subject selection process:

Brentwood Secondary College Subject Maps 2024.pdf